I've developed a recent interest in (re-)learning programming, so I have taken up C++ as it is a commonly used language. However, I've ran into a roadblock, and I have doubts whether my solution is the best way to go around it. I have a relatively complex class (for me anyways), with around 20 variables, which have been divided into 4 groups for simplification. It also has a parent class which is called during object initialization.
However, I do not have a need to set these to values other than their default values in all objects, so I have set-up various different constructor overloads to account for all possible combinations (8 constructors in total). Therefore, in order to prevent writing repetitive code, I have written an handful of private functions, only called during the constructor, that set variables to the value I assign when creating a new object.
Is this the optimal way of solving this problem? I have also thought of grouping these variables into classes or structs, but it just feels like that's needlessly complicated, when calling the relevant functions during the various constructor overloads should do the trick. If this is not optimal, what would be the best way of solving this? And why?
I can provide with a more detailed description of my problem, but it'd be a pretty big wall of text (I had first written that one up, but it got way too out of hand). Thank you in advance for your input.
As requested, here is the class definition (Weapon). The parent class (Item) is already defined and working as intended, so I will not paste it, so people will not have to read a massive wall of text.
Weapon class definition:
class Weapon: public Item {
// Default constructor
// Full constructor
Weapon(unsigned GenericID, bool NameFlag, double EquipLoad, double EquipLoadperAmmo, unsigned short ModesNo, Mode* pModes, unsigned short CooldownType, double CooldownDuration, unsigned short CooldownShot, double CooldownPeriod, unsigned short ReloadType, unsigned short ReloadStyle, double ReloadTime, unsigned short MaxMagazine, unsigned short MaxAmmunition, unsigned short StartEnergy, unsigned short MaxEnergy);
// Constructor for Weapons without Cooldown System
Weapon(unsigned GenericID, bool NameFlag, double EquipLoad, double EquipLoadperAmmo, unsigned short ModesNo, Mode* pModes, unsigned short ReloadType, unsigned short ReloadStyle, double ReloadTime, unsigned short MaxMagazine, unsigned short MaxAmmunition, unsigned short CurrentEnergy, unsigned short MaxEnergy);
// Constructor for Weapons without Reload System
Weapon(unsigned GenericID, bool NameFlag, double EquipLoad, double EquipLoadperAmmo, unsigned short ModesNo, Mode* pModes, unsigned short CooldownType, double CooldownDuration, unsigned short CooldownShot, double CooldownPeriod, unsigned short MaxMagazine, unsigned short MaxAmmunition, unsigned short CurrentEnergy, unsigned short MaxEnergy);
// Constuctor for Weapons without Energy System
Weapon(unsigned GenericID, bool NameFlag, double EquipLoad, double EquipLoadperAmmo, unsigned short ModesNo, Mode* pModes, unsigned short CooldownType, double CooldownDuration, unsigned short CooldownShot, double CooldownPeriod, unsigned short ReloadType, unsigned short ReloadStyle, double ReloadTime, unsigned short MaxMagazine, unsigned short MaxAmmunition);
// Constructor for Weapons without Cooldown nor Reload System
Weapon(unsigned GenericID, bool NameFlag, double EquipLoad, double EquipLoadperAmmo, unsigned short ModesNo, Mode* pModes, unsigned short MaxMagazine, unsigned short MaxAmmunition, unsigned short CurrentEnergy, unsigned short MaxEnergy);
// Constructor for Weapons without Cooldown nor Energy System
Weapon(unsigned GenericID, bool NameFlag, double EquipLoad, double EquipLoadperAmmo, unsigned short ModesNo, Mode* pModes, unsigned short ReloadType, unsigned short ReloadStyle, double ReloadTime, unsigned short MaxMagazine, unsigned short MaxAmmunition);
// Constructor for Weapons without Reload nor Energy System
Weapon(unsigned GenericID, bool NameFlag, double EquipLoad, double EquipLoadperAmmo, unsigned short ModesNo, Mode* pModes, unsigned short CooldownType, double CooldownDuration, unsigned short CooldownShot, double CooldownPeriod, unsigned short MaxMagazine, unsigned short MaxAmmunition);
// Constructor for Weapons without Cooldown, Reload nor Energy System
Weapon(unsigned GenericID, bool NameFlag, double EquipLoad, double EquipLoadperAmmo, unsigned short ModesNo, Mode* pModes, unsigned short maxMagazine, unsigned short MaxAmmunition);
void m_print();
/*Edited public get and set functions for each variable as they are not relevant*/
// Ubiquitous variables
unsigned short WepGenericID = 0;
unsigned short WepVariantID = 0;
unsigned short WepSkinID = 0;
double EquipLoad = 0;
double EquipLoadperAmmo = 0;
unsigned short ModesNo = 1;
Mode* pModes = NULL;
unsigned short MaxAmmunition = 0;
unsigned short CurrentAmmunition = 0;
unsigned short MaxMagazine = 0;
unsigned short CurrentMagazine = 0;
// Cooldown System variables
bool WeaponCooldown = false;
unsigned short CooldownType = 0;
double CooldownDuration = 0;
unsigned short CooldownAction = 0;
double CooldownPeriod = 0;
// Reload System variables
unsigned short ReloadType = 0;
unsigned short ReloadStyle = 0;
double ReloadTime = 0;
// Energy System variables
unsigned short CurrentEnergy = 0;
unsigned short MaxEnergy = 0;
//Constructor Auxiliary Functions
void m_setGeneralWeapon(double EquipLoad, double EquipLoadperAmmo, unsigned short ModesNo, Mode* pModes, unsigned short MaxMagazine, unsigned short MaxAmmunition);
void m_setCooldownSystem(unsigned short CooldownType, double CooldownDuration, unsigned short CooldownAction, double CooldownPeriod);
void m_setReloadSystem(unsigned short ReloadType, unsigned short ReloadStyle, double ReloadTime);
void m_setEnergySystem(unsigned short StartEnergy, unsigned short MaxEnergy);
void m_setWeaponIDs();
void m_WepNameDecisionTree();
string m_searchName();
Item parent class definition
class Item {
Item(unsigned GenericID);
Item(unsigned GenericID, bool NameFlag);
void m_setCustomName();
unsigned GenericID = 0;
unsigned short GenCategoryID = 0;
unsigned short GenSubCategoryID = 0;
bool NameFlag = false;
string ItemName = "Missingno";
unsigned long InstanceID = 0;