I need some advice with the Java Print API. I have a program that goes through a Vector and prints each item on its own line. I'm trying to make it so when the line count reaches a certain number, it starts a new page. I've been looking at a Java Tutorial example to figure it out, but it's still not working. In debug mode, everything appears to be working properly, but for some reason it's printing the second page on the first sheet of paper and leaving the second sheet blank. Does anyone know what could be causing this?
EDIT: Here's the code for the print method:
public int print(Graphics g, PageFormat pf, int page)
throws PrinterException {
page = pageNum;
Paper paper = pf.getPaper();
paper.setSize(8.5 * 72, 11 * 72);
paper.setImageableArea(0.5 * 72, 0.5 * 72, 7.5 * 72, 10 * 72);
if (page > pageTot) {
return NO_SUCH_PAGE;
if (cov) {
g = drawCenteredString(dateS, 108, g, 56, Font.BOLD);
g = drawCenteredString("Don Stewart Daily Fulfillment", 216, g, 38,
g = drawCenteredString(((FileNode) ((TreePath) printPaths.get(j))
.getPathComponent(((TreePath) printPaths.get(j))
.getPathCount() - 5)).toString(), 324, g, 64,
g = drawCenteredString(((TreePath) printPaths.get(j))
((TreePath) printPaths.get(j)).getPathCount() - 3)
.toString(), 432, g, 42, Font.BOLD);
g = drawCenteredString("File Name Printed: "
+ ((TreePath) printPaths.get(j)).getLastPathComponent()
.toString(), 540, g, 14, Font.BOLD);
g = drawCenteredString("File Location: "
+ ((FileNode) ((TreePath) printPaths.get(j))
.getAbsolutePath(), 648, g, 12, Font.PLAIN);
if (summ) {
int lineCount;
lineCount = 0;
int lineSpacing = 14;
int lineStart = 13 * 14;
g.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 10));
boolean color = true;
g = drawCenteredString(dateS, 72, g, 38, Font.BOLD);
g = drawCenteredString("Don Stewart Daily Summary List - "
+ (pageNum + 1) + " of " + pageTot, 120, g, 20, Font.BOLD);
g.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 10));
((TreePath) printPaths.get(x-1))
((TreePath) printPaths.get(x-1))
.getPathCount() - 3).toString()
+ " : "
+ ((TreePath) printPaths.get(x-1))
((TreePath) printPaths.get(x-1))
.getPathCount() - 5)
.toString(), 36, lineCount
* lineSpacing + lineStart);
int k;
for (k = x; k < printPaths.size() && lineCount <= 41; k++) {
String type = ((TreePath) printPaths.get(k)).getPathComponent(
((TreePath) printPaths.get(k)).getPathCount() - 5)
String date = ((TreePath) printPaths.get(k)).getPathComponent(
((TreePath) printPaths.get(k)).getPathCount() - 3)
String typeU = ((TreePath) printPaths.get(k - 1))
((TreePath) printPaths.get(k)).getPathCount() - 5)
String dateU = ((TreePath) printPaths.get(k - 1))
((TreePath) printPaths.get(k)).getPathCount() - 3)
if (!(type == typeU) && (date == dateU)) {
g.drawString(date + " : " + type, 36, lineCount
* lineSpacing + lineStart);
// lineCount++;
if (color)
g.drawString(((TreePath) printPaths.get(k))
.getLastPathComponent().toString(), 54, lineCount
* lineSpacing + lineStart);
color = !color;
x = k;