I have knockout variables that are Interdependent .
Exempla :
var _CostNoVAT = ko.observable(0);
var _CostIncludeVAT = ko.observable(0);
var _VAT= 0.50;
if the user Change the _CostNoVAT to 10 then _CostIncludeVAT need to be 15 (10*(1+VAT)
if the user Change the _CostIncludeVAT to 10 then _CostNoVAT need to be 6.66 (10/(1+VAT)
How can I do it?
yaniv abo
You can do this by turning one of the observables into a writeable computed. Here, _CostIncludeVAT
is a writeable computed. When it's changed, its write
function is executed which actually changes the value of _CostNoVAT
; that will then trigger its read
function to execute...
function VM () {
this._VAT= 0.50;
this._CostNoVAT = ko.observable(0);
this._CostIncludeVAT = ko.computed({
read: function () {
return this._CostNoVAT() * (1 + this._VAT);
write: function(value) {
this._CostNoVAT(value / (1 + this._VAT));
owner: this
ko.applyBindings(new VM());
JsBin: http://jsbin.com/vizopico/1/edit?html,js,output
Use one as the canonical value then derive the other to\from it. Say we make _CostNoVAT the canonical form then when the user enters cost with VAT you set the costNovat variable to 6.66 then allow it to trickle to _ConstIncudeVAT.