I need to plot the relative risk for a quadratic effect in a cox regression. My model looks like this:
cox_mod <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~
ph.karno + pat.karno + meal.cal + meal.cal_q,
data = lung)
Where meal.cal_q is defined as:
lung$meal.cal_q <- lung$meal.cal^2
The plot should consider the coefficients of meal.cal and meal.cal_q and show the relative risk on the y-axis and the meal.cal values on the x-axis. The relative risk should be defined as the risk at a given meal.cal value compared to all of the predictors being at their mean. Additionaly, the plot should include the 95% confidence intervals. The plot should look something like this: Expected plot
If possible, the plot should be a ggplot object so that I can customize it.
I have been reading for hours on the web, but can not figure out how make the described plot and hope someone can help me. I tried it for example with the predict() function:
meal.cal_new <- seq(min(lung$meal.cal, na.rm= TRUE), max(lung$meal.cal, na.rm= TRUE), by= 1)
meal.cal_q_new <- meal.cal_new^2
n <- length(meal.cal_new)
lung_new <- data.frame(ph.karno= rep(mean(lung$ph.karno, na.rm= TRUE), n), pat.karno= rep(mean(lung$pat.karno, na.rm= TRUE), n), meal.cal= meal.cal_new, meal.cal_q = meal.cal_q_new)
predicted_rel_risk <- predict(cox_mod, lung_new, interval = "confidence")
Firstly, the predicted values do not include the 95% confidence itnervals. And in addition there are negative values in predicted_rel_risk which in my opinien should not be the case since the minimal relative risk should be zero. Therefore I can not get the desired plot. So all I can do is this:
lung_new$predicted_rel_risk <- predicted_rel_risk
ggplot(lung_new, aes(meal.cal, predicted_rel_risk)) +
geom_smooth(se= TRUE)
The resulting plot does not include the confidence intervals and shows neagtive relative risk. Here is what I get:
Thank you a lot in advance!