CI - show me what went wrong [duplicate]

2019-08-30 04:30发布


This question is an exact duplicate of:

  • CI - show database error or fail 2 answers

I've developed a simple login system which works OK but fails, and I need to know why.

QUESTION: How to show what is causing the fail?

Here's the database function:

function login($email,$password)

        foreach($query->result() as $rows)
            //add all data to session
            $newdata = array(
                'user_id'  => $rows->id,
                'user_name'  => $rows->username,
                'user_email'    => $rows->email,
                'logged_in'  => TRUE,
        return true;
    return false;

And here's the logic:

public function login()
    // field name, error message, validation rules
    $this->form_validation->set_rules('email', 'Your Email', 'trim|required|valid_email');
    $this->form_validation->set_rules('password', 'Password', 'trim|required|min_length[4]|max_length[32]');

    if($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE)
            $data['title']= 'Login Error';
            $this->load->view('nav/header', $data);
            $this->load->view('login', $data);
            $this->load->view('nav/footer', $data);

I know the error is happening as I redirect back to the login page if it fails and change the title text to show me (only in testing mode for right now). But how can I find out what is going wrong?

This is the check database function:

function login($email,$password)

        foreach($query->result() as $rows)
            //add all data to session
            $newdata = array(
                'user_id'  => $rows->id,
                'user_name'  => $rows->username,
                'user_email'    => $rows->email,
                'logged_in'  => TRUE,
        return true;
    return false;


I assume all your php code is fine, then what you need is set custom form-validation-message for each input to know which input went wrong and echo them:

<?php echo validation_errors(); ?>


write below code in your view file

<section id="notification" >
      if(validation_errors() !== '' ) { 
         echo "<div class='alert-msg error'>";
         echo validation_errors();
         echo "</div>";
      $error = $this->session->flashdata('error');
      $success = $this->session->flashdata('success');
        echo "<div class='alert-msg error'>";
        echo $this->session->flashdata('error');
        echo "</div>";

        echo "<div class='alert-msg success'>";
        echo $this->session->flashdata('success');
        echo "</div>";

and set success/error message conditionally in flash data in controller ( see below)

 if($result) {
    $this->session->set_flashdata('success', 'Login successfully.');
 } else {
     $this->session->set_flashdata('error', 'Login failed');

Read more Flashdata in CI


For your changed answer:

use below logic in your model

 $qry = $this->db->get_where('users', array('username' => $this->_username ));
 if ($qry->num_rows() == 1) {           
    $user = $qry->row_array();
    $submitted_pass = md5($this->_password);
    $db_pass = $user['password'];
    if ($submitted_pass === $db_pass) {
        return $user;
    } else {
        // wrong username/password
        $this->session->set_flashdata('error', $this->errorList[10]);
        return FALSE;
} else {
    // no such username exist     
    $this->session->set_flashdata('error', $this->errorList[15]);
    return FALSE;