So I have a query with a few Q objects that are OR-ed together (to achieve a UNION), and I want to annotate each result with which Q object was a match. This is so when I go to display my query results, I can highlight which search term(s) were hits on each result.
Here's the code that produces the resulting querySet:
Gene.objects.filter(Q(EC__EC='')|Q(Protein_Family__name__in=famList)|Q(Pfam__Pfam__in=pfams),Protein_length__gte=100, Distance_From_Contig_Upstream__gte=10, Distance_From_Contig_Downstream__gte=10).distinct()
I think I can add this annotated column using the .extra option:
If I can't do this, I will probably do three separate queries, then annotate the results, then OR the querysets together... I think this is probably pretty wasteful, and seems clumsy.