Transform XML String [not file!] with XSLT String

2019-08-30 04:21发布


I have two strings.

The first one is a xml string, saved as a string, not from a file. The second one is a string I load from a XSLT file with fs.readFile(...).

I already tried using libxslt but can't install it via npm due to some errors about MSBuildTools and so on.

Are there any alternatives for libxslt? I already came across xslt-processortoo, but it only accepts files as parameters.


to provide you an overview, the XSLT file and an example XML file (both handled as strings in the app) can be downloaded here:

  • Stylesheet in a ZIP File
  • Example XML Files in a ZIP


I somehow got a workaround for my problem:

  1. I now use the xth library (install via npm: npm i xth)
  2. import it into my function: var xth = require('xth');
  3. put the xml String into a data URI: var xml = 'data:text/xml,' + encodeURIComponent(xmlString);
  4. the XSLT file is now not a String but the file: var xsl = './../components/ELGA_Stylesheet_v1-0.xsl';
  5. Then, I just call the method xth as in the example at xth - npm

    1 xth(xml, xsl, function (html) { 2 html = html.replace(/&lt;/g, "<"); 3 html = html.replace(/&gt;/g, ">"); 4 html = html.replace(/&amp;/g, "&"); 5 openWindow(html); 6 });

  6. the item html is the xslt transformed string, I had one final problem: in the <script> Tags of the output string, the symbols <,> and & were there as &lt;, &gt;, and &amp; which caused problems. lines 2 to 4 are the workaround for this issue

openWindow(html)is my own method to open the result string in a new electron window.

NOTE: one problem remains: as mentioned here, navigation via # in <a href=#id> doesn't work, because Chromium doesn't allow navigation to top frame to data uri.