I'm trying to handle a asynchronous action that read multiple files from a folder at a same time and writes new ones in a different folder. The files that I read are by pair. One file is the data template and the other one is about the data. According to the template, we process the data from the related data file. All the information that I got from the both files are inserted into an object that I need to write in JSON into a new file . The code below works perfectly if there are only one pair of these files (1 template and 1 data):
for(var i = 0; i < folderFiles.length; i++)
var objectToWrite = new objectToWrite();
var templatefileName = folderFiles[i].toString();
//Reading the Template File
fs.readFile(baseTemplate_dir + folderFiles[i],{ encoding: "utf8"},function(err, data)
if(err) throw err;
//Here I'm manipulating template data
//Now I want to read to data according to template read above
fs.readFile(baseData_dir + folderFiles[i],{ encoding: "utf8"},function(err, data)
if(err) throw err;
//Here I'm manipulating the data
//Once I've got the template data and the data into my object objectToWrite, I'm writing it in json in a file
fs.writeFile(baseOut_dir + folderFiles[i], JSON.stringify(objectToWrite ),{ encoding: 'utf8' }, function (err)
if(err) throw err;
console.log("File written and saved !");
Since I have 4 files so two template files and two related data files, it crashed. So I believe I have a problem with the callbacks... Maybe someone could help me to figure it out ! Thanks in advance !