From inside a batch file, I would like to test whether I'm running with Administrator/elevated privileges.
The username doesn't change when "Run as Administrator" is selected, so that doesn't work.
If there were a universally available command, which has no effect, but requires administrative privileges, then I could run that and check for an error code in order to test for privileges. So far, I haven't found such a command. The commands I have found seem to return a single, non-specific error code, which could indicate anything, and they're prone to failure for a variety of reasons.
I only care about Windows 7, though support of earlier operating systems would be nice.
ADDENDUM: For Windows 8 this will not work; see this excellent answer instead.
Found this solution here: http://www.robvanderwoude.com/clevertricks.php
ECHO you are Administrator
) ELSE (
ECHO you are NOT Administrator. Exiting...
PING > NUL 2>&1
Assuming that doesn't work and since we're talking Win7 you could use the following in Powershell if that's suitable:
$principal = new-object System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())
$principal .IsInRole([System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)
If not (and probably not, since you explicitly proposed batch files) then you could write the above in .NET and return an exit code from an exe based on the result for your batch file to use.
This trick only requires one command: type net session
into the command prompt.
If you aren't an admin, you get an access is denied message.
From MS Technet:
Used without parameters, net session displays information about all
sessions with the local computer.
I like Rushyo's suggestion of using AT, but this is another option:
whoami /groups | findstr /b BUILTIN\Administrators | findstr /c:"Enabled group" && goto :isadministrator
This approach would also allow you to distinguish between a non-administrator and a non-elevated administrator if you wanted to. Non-elevated administrators still have BUILTIN\Administrators in the group list but it is not enabled.
However, this will not work on some non-English language systems. Instead, try
whoami /groups | findstr /c:" S-1-5-32-544 " | findstr /c:" Enabled group" && goto :isadministrator
(This should work on Windows 7 but I'm not sure about earlier versions.)
Pretty much what others have put before, but as a one liner that can be put at the beginning of a batch command. (Well, usually after @echo off.)
net.exe session 1>NUL 2>NUL || (Echo This script requires elevated rights. & Exit /b 1)
The easiest way to do this on Vista, Win 7 and above is enumerating token groups and looking for the current integrity level (or the administrators sid, if only group memberhip is important):
Check if we are running elevated:
whoami /groups | find "S-1-16-12288" && Echo I am running elevated, so I must be an admin anyway ;-)
Check if we belong to local administrators:
whoami /groups | find "S-1-5-32-544" && Echo I am a local admin
Check if we belong to domain admins:
whoami /groups | find "-512 " && Echo I am a domain admin
The following article lists the integrity level SIDs windows uses: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb625963.aspx
Here's a slight modification of Harry's answer that focuses on elevated status; I'm using this at the start of an install.bat file:
whoami /groups | findstr /b /c:"Mandatory Label\High Mandatory Level" | findstr /c:"Enabled group" > nul: && set IS_ELEVATED=1
if %IS_ELEVATED%==0 (
echo You must run the command prompt as administrator to install.
exit /b 1
This definitely worked for me and the principle seems to be sound; from MSFT's Chris Jackson:
When you are running elevated, your token contains an ACE called Mandatory Label\High Mandatory Level.
I read many (most?) of the responses, then developed a bat file that works for me in Win 8.1. Thought I'd share it.
set runState=user
whoami /groups | findstr /b /c:"Mandatory Label\High Mandatory Level" > nul && set runState=admin
whoami /groups | findstr /b /c:"Mandatory Label\System Mandatory Level" > nul && set runState=system
echo Running in state: "%runState%"
if not "%runState%"=="user" goto notUser
echo Do user stuff...
goto end
if not "%runState%"=="admin" goto notAdmin
echo Do admin stuff...
goto end
if not "%runState%"=="system" goto notSystem
echo Do admin stuff...
goto end
echo Do common stuff...
Hope someone finds this useful :)
the solution:
at >nul
if %ErrorLevel% equ 0 ( echo Administrator ) else ( echo NOT Administrator )
does not work under Windows 10
for all versions of Windows can be do so:
openfiles >nul 2>&1
if %ErrorLevel% equ 0 ( echo Administrator ) else ( echo NOT Administrator )
A "not-a-one-liner" version of https://stackoverflow.com/a/38856823/2193477
@echo off
net.exe session 1>NUL 2>NUL || goto :not_admin
goto :eof
echo ERROR: Please run as a local administrator.
exit /b 1
I know I'm really late to this party, but here's my one liner to determine admin-hood.
It doesn't rely on error level, just on systeminfo
for /f "tokens=1-6" %%a in ('"net user "%username%" | find /i "Local Group Memberships""') do (set admin=yes & if not "%%d" == "*Administrators" (set admin=no) & echo %admin%)
It returns either yes or no, depending on the user's admin status...
It also sets the value of the variable "admin" to equal yes or no accordingly.
I'm not quite sure why, but none of the other solutions here have worked for me. So I thought it might be worth sharing that this one from Super User did the trick.
Here's a simple method I've used on Windows 7 through Windows 10. Basically, I simply use the "IF EXIST" command to check for the Windows\System32\WDI\LogFiles folder. The WDI folder exists on every install of Windows from at least 7 onward, and it requires admin privileges to access. The WDI folder always has a LogFiles folder inside it. So, running "IF EXIST" on the WDI\LogFiles folder will return true if run as admin, and false if not run as admin. This can be used in a batch file to check privilege level, and branch to whichever commands you desire based on that result.
Here's a brief snippet of example code:
(Commands for running with normal privileges)
(Commands for running with admin privileges)
Keep in mind that this method assumes the default security permissions have not been modified on the WDI folder (which is unlikely to happen in most situations, but please see caveat #2 below). Even in that case, it's simply a matter of modifying the code to check for a different common file/folder that requires admin access (System32\config\SAM may be a good alternate candidate), or you could even create your own specifically for that purpose.
There are two caveats about this method though:
Disabling UAC will likely break it through the simple fact that everything would be run as admin anyway.
Attempting to open the WDI folder in Windows Explorer and then clicking "Continue" when prompted will add permanent access rights for that user account, thus breaking my method. If this happens, it can be fixed by removing the user account from the WDI folder security permissions. If for any reason the user MUST be able to access the WDI folder with Windows Explorer, then you'd have to modify the code to check a different folder (as mentioned above, creating your own specifically for this purpose may be a good choice).
So, admittedly my method isn't perfect since it can be broken, but it's a relatively quick method that's easy to implement, is equally compatible with all versions of Windows 7, 8 and 10, and provided I stay mindful of the mentioned caveats has been 100% effective for me.