This is basically the question asked here (not by me), but I've simplified the example and I simply can't figure out what is going on, so I decided I'd pose it again in a way that may get more responses.
Take data dd
dd <- structure(list(first = c("118751", "55627", NA), one = c(41006L,
119098L, 109437L), two = c(118751L, 109016L, 109831L), three = c(122631L,
104639L, 120634L), four = c(38017L, 118950L, 105440L), five = c(114826L,
122047L, 124347L), six = c(109438L, 55627L, 118679L), seven = c(27094L,
107044L, 122161L), eight = c(112473L, 116909L, 124363L), nine = c(120586L,
114711L, 120509L)), row.names = c(NA, 3L), class = "data.frame")
first one two three four five six seven eight nine
1 118751 41006 118751 122631 38017 114826 109438 27094 112473 120586
2 55627 119098 109016 104639 118950 122047 55627 107044 116909 114711
3 <NA> 109437 109831 120634 105440 124347 118679 122161 124363 120509
Now, we want to find the rows where the number in column first
equal the number in column six
(which is the seventh column in the dataframe), using apply
apply(dd,1,function(x) as.integer(x["first"])==x[7])
1 2 3
This result is clearly false - 2 should have produced a TRUE. Oddly, if I run the same thing ONLY on the second row, I get the correct answer:
apply(dd[2,],1,function(x) as.integer(x["first"])==x[7])
I also tried other subsets - 1:2, 2:3, and even c(1,3). The latter gives me the expected result, while the first two keep insisting on a FALSE for row 2.
If I drop the apply
, I get the correct response (regardless of subset):
What the hell is going on?