I am learning VHDL by reading books online (Free Range VHDL), and imlementing the examples on my Nexsys2 via Xilinx ISE Webpack 14.7. I am re-reading the Free Range VHDL text and am currently in the chapter discussing processes. I have a solid understanding of what a process is, and how it works, but I implemented an example and I do not understand the results.
I implemented an 8 to 1 mux using the following code.
library IEEE;
entity mux81 is
port( d_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
sel : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
ce : in std_logic;
F : out std_logic);
end mux81;
architecture my_mux81 of mux81 is
mux_proc: process(d_in, sel, ce)
if (ce = '1') then
if (sel = "111") then
F <= d_in(7);
elsif (sel = "110") then
F <= d_in(6);
elsif (sel = "101") then
F <= d_in(5);
elsif (sel = "100") then
F <= d_in(4);
elsif (sel = "011") then
F <= d_in(3);
elsif (sel = "010") then
F <= d_in(2);
elsif (sel = "001") then
F <= d_in(1);
elsif (sel = "000") then
F <= d_in(0);
F <= '0';
end if;
F <= '0';
end if;
end process mux_proc;
end my_mux81;
which performs the mux operation only if the 'ce' signal is '1'. All worked as expected. I then tried an experiment by removing the 'ce' signal from the sensitivity list. Based on my understanding of the process statement, it should only execute if a signal in the sensitivity list changes. By removing the 'ce' signal, the circuit should not respond to 'ce' changes alone. Here is the modified circuit:
library IEEE;
entity mux81 is
port( d_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
sel : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
ce : in std_logic;
F : out std_logic);
end mux81;
architecture my_mux81 of mux81 is
mux_proc: process(d_in, sel)
if (ce = '1') then
if (sel = "111") then
F <= d_in(7);
elsif (sel = "110") then
F <= d_in(6);
elsif (sel = "101") then
F <= d_in(5);
elsif (sel = "100") then
F <= d_in(4);
elsif (sel = "011") then
F <= d_in(3);
elsif (sel = "010") then
F <= d_in(2);
elsif (sel = "001") then
F <= d_in(1);
elsif (sel = "000") then
F <= d_in(0);
F <= '0';
end if;
F <= '0';
end if;
end process mux_proc;
end my_mux81;
As you can see, the only change is that 'ce' is removed from the sensitivity list. However, when I implement this circuit, it operates exactly like the version that had 'ce' in the sensitivity list. In other words, keeping signals "d_in" and "sel" constant, but modifying 'ce' caused the process statement to execute and change the output signal as if 'ce' were still in the sensitivity list. I did not get any warnings when I ran the synthesis. It is like the program made an assumption that 'ce' should also be monitored, but I thought that should also generate a warning...
Thanks for the help!