I was wondering if there is a way in groovy to change the static mapping
section of a grails class at runtime. As of now my domain class looks like this:
class Result {
ObjectId id
String url
def Result(){
void addObjectProperty(String key, value){
//No constrains defined yet.
static constraints = {
static mapWith="mongo"
static mapping = {
collection "results"
database "test"
Now lets just say I want to change the mapping section at runtime to:
static mapping = {
collection "xyz"
database "mydb"
Now when I call save()
on an object it saves the result to mydb in the collection xyz. I bet there is a way in groovy to accomplish just that but since I'm new to groovy I'm having a hard time here ... it would be nice if someone could point me into the right direction.
Thanks a lot...