I'm trying to represent a Pareto chart with Highcharts, as you can see here.
The horizontal line shows the 80% value, but now I wanted to display a vertical line where that horizontal 80% line intersects with the "Acumulated" chart series.
This is an example of what I'm trying to achieve:
Is there a way to do it?
Another option would be to get the "x" value of the "Acumulated" spline where it's "y" value is "80", that way I could then draw the line manually.
Is this even possible with the Highcharts API?
I know that it's possible to get the values of a point in a series, but that isn't enough in this case:
var point = chart.get('accumulated').data[2];
I have find it for 80:20 calculation.
First I have find the first value in series from Spline data which greater than or equal to 80.
i.e. >= 80
Suppose it is DataX
Then find out the that index in array plus one for DataX
i.e. DataX location is DataIndex = index+1
(as array start from 0th calculation need plus one)
formula is
DataX : DataIndex :: 80: ?
let the question mark is xIndexOf80
then xIndexOf80 = (DataIndex *80)/(DataX ).
xIndexOf80 is nothing but position of 80 on X axis.
which gives you exact marks on X-Axis
function findInetrSectionPoint(arrSplineData) {
var intLen = arrSplineData.length;
for (var index = 0; index < intLen; index++) {
if (arrSplineData[index] >= 80) {
interSectPoint = ((index + 1) * 80) / arrSplineData[index] - 1;
return interSectPoint;
Here is the Plunker
You can calculate position of 80% point and then use http://api.highcharts.com/highstock#Renderer rect. Apart from that you can also check this option http://api.highcharts.com/highstock#Axis.addPlotLine() / http://api.highcharts.com/highstock#yAxis.plotLines