Is it possible to increase the file path/string length for NSIS? I am attempting to use the function FILE
with a path that is rather long and I get the compile error:
File: failed opening file "..\..\..\..\12d\10.00\DPTI_Customisation\\DESIGN_12d10\DPTI_Design_User\DPTI_D_Toolbars\DPTI_D_Create_D_Boundaries_for_Tin.slx"
Is it possible to increase the allowable length like how you can increase the $NSIS_MAX_STRLEN varaible length?
This thread says that the error is caused by the file path being too long.
Heres the code:
FILE /r "..\..\..\..\12d\10.00\DPTI_Customisation\"
# The folder DPTI_Customisation contains many sub folders and files