On testing Worklight push notification for Android, if the alert (notification message) is empty, the app icon with app name will be displayed in notifications bar without any notification message.
May I know how Worklight will handle this case if alert is empty in iOS? Will the notification alert be prompted? The reason to ask so is that I would like to update the badge number only without launching an alert box if there is update from server even though the app is closed.May I know whether badge in Push Notification is applicable on iOS only but not Android? As the document here said that:
"GCM alert Optional. A string to be displayed in the alert. badge Mandatory. An integer value to be displayed in a badge on the application icon." But on my testing, there is no badge appeared for Android app.Notice that there is an API to set the number of badge (WL.Badge.setNumber) or I can set it in Push Notification API (WL.Server.Notifyxxx - notificationOptions).
Can I get the number of badge currently to do increment instead of just setting a number to it?
Environment: Worklight 5.0.6, Samsung Galaxy S3 Android 4.1.1