The dll returns an object on calling a function using ctypes in python.
It returns the following - say it is named as ReturnO; print(ReturnO) gives the following:
(63484, <DLLname.ClassName object at 0x09D35670>)
The object should return the parameters; their names are: Paramater_1, Parameter_2 and so on. My question is, how do i access the values in Parameter_1, Parameter_2 etc.
if i do a print as follows
i get the following
Field type=c_float_Array_5, ofs=49483, size=20
Field type=c_float_Array_5, ofs=49503, size=20
Now, how do I get the value in this array. dotValue (.value) does not work.
Appreciate you help. Thank you.
below is the code; appreciate your help:
class ClassName(ctypes.Structure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [("parameter_1", ctypes.c_float * 5),
("parameter_2", ctypes.c_float * 5)]
def GetOutput_Main (int2,num2,num22,str2):
lib = ctypes.WinDLL("mydllname.dll")
prototype = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_uint32, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32), ctypes.POINTER(ClassName))
paramflags = (1, "int2",), (1, "num2",), (2, "num22",), (2, "str2",),
Getoutput_Sub = prototype(("Getoutput", lib), paramflags))
ret = Getoutput_Sub(int2,num2)
print(ret) #gives the details of the object
print(str2.parameter_1) #gives the details of array
the print(ret) gives me:
(63484, <mydllname.ClassName object at 0x09D35670>)
if i do print(str2), I get the following:
<class 'mydllname.ClassName'>
and print(str2.parameter_1) gives me
Field type=c_float_Array_5, ofs=49483, size=20
i am looking for ways to unpack the object, thanks.
if I do, where num22 is the size
UnpackedST = struct.unpack(str2,num22)
i get the following error
Struct() argument 1 must be a str or bytes object, not _ctypes.PyCStructType