void Lexicon::buildMapFromFile(string filename ) //map
ifstream file;
file.open(filename.c_str() );
string wow, mem, key;
unsigned int x = 0;
while(true) {
getline(file, wow);
if (file.fail()) break; //check for error
while (x < wow.length() ) {
if (wow[x] == ',') {
key = mem;
x++; //step over ','
} else
mem += wow[x++];
list_map0.put(key, mem); //char to string
list_map1.put(mem, key); //string to char
mem.clear(); //reset memory
x = 0;//reset index
This function reads a 2-column csv file and creates a map of column2 with column1 as the key. I compiled with g++ and the file is on the university file share, when I run the program with ./foo the csv files [in the same directory folder as foo] are not read... why?