Symfony 2 - Form theming - Overriden block renders

2019-08-29 20:15发布


I'm trying to customize a theme form submit button but this button is being rendered two times. The first time when the block is overriden and the second time when i'm using it in my form.

Here is the code and the result.

Thanks a lot.

{# src/YagoQuinoy/Simple/BlogBundle/Resources/views/Blog/searchArtciles.html.twig #}

{% form_theme form _self %}

{% block submit_widget %}
    <button><i class="fa fa-bicycle"></i></button>
{% endblock submit_widget %}

{{ form_start(form, {'attr': {'novalidate': 'novalidate'}}) }}
{{ form_errors( }}
{{ form_widget( }}
{{ form_widget(form.submit, {'attr': {'class': 'e-search-articles-submit'}}) }}
{{ form_end(form) }}

Link to the image (don't have 10 reputation ¬¬) Double rendered button image


Solved using separated template file like is suggested in documentation.


If you look at the, then you can see, that {% block submit_widget %} doesn't contain button element.

submit_widget looks like:

{% block submit_widget -%}
    {% set type = type|default('submit') %}
    {{- block('button_widget') -}}
{%- endblock submit_widget %}

And this block contains button_widget:

{% block button_widget -%}
    {% if label is empty -%}
        {%- if label_format is not empty -%}
            {% set label = label_format|replace({
                '%name%': name,
                '%id%': id,
            }) %}
        {%- else -%}
            {% set label = name|humanize %}
        {%- endif -%}
    {%- endif -%}
    <button type="{{ type|default('button') }}" {{ block('button_attributes') }}>{{ label|trans({}, translation_domain) }}</button>
{%- endblock button_widget %}

You must change button_widget (and add class fa fa-bicycle) if you want to add font awesome icon - like:

{% block button_widget -%}
    {% if label is empty -%}
        {%- if label_format is not empty -%}
            {% set label = label_format|replace({
                '%name%': name,
                '%id%': id,
            }) %}
        {%- else -%}
            {% set label = name|humanize %}
        {%- endif -%}
    {%- endif -%}
    <button type="{{ type|default('button') }}" {{ block('button_attributes') }}><i class="fa fa-bicycle"></i>{{ label|trans({}, translation_domain) }}</button>
{%- endblock button_widget %}