I'm testing out a sql query on a query analyzer and it works just fine, here it is:
INSERT INTO Questions(QuestionText, QuestionType)
DECLARE @testID int
SET @testID = @@identity
INSERT INTO Questions(QuestionText)
VALUES (@testID)
(I'm just testing out the @@identity function)
However as soon as I try and implement it on my site (i'm using SQL in conjunction with asp Classic) I get an error, can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong please? Here is what I have put in the asp:
set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
rs.Open "Select * from Questions", conn
sql="INSERT INTO Questions(QuestionText, QuestionType)"
sql=sql & " VALUES "
sql=sql & "('" & qtext & "',"
sql=sql & "'" & "checkbox" & "')"
sql=sql & "DECLARE @testID int"
sql=sql & "SET @testID = @@identity"
sql=sql & "INSERT INTO Questions(QuestionText)"
sql=sql & " VALUES "
sql=sql & "(@testID)"
on error resume next
conn.Execute sql,recaffected
if err<>0 then
Response.Write("An Error Has Occured")
Response.write("Data Added")
end if
You have no spaces in your SQL when you are concatenating it, so this:
sql="INSERT INTO Questions(QuestionText, QuestionType)"
sql=sql & " VALUES "
sql=sql & "('" & qtext & "',"
sql=sql & "'" & "checkbox" & "')"
sql=sql & "DECLARE @testID int"
sql=sql & "SET @testID = @@identity"
sql=sql & "INSERT INTO Questions(QuestionText)"
sql=sql & " VALUES "
sql=sql & "(@testID)"
Is going to yield
"INSERT INTO Questions(QuestionText, QuestionType) VALUES ('', '')DECLARE @testID intSET @testID = @@identityINSERT INTO Questions(QuestionText) VALUES (@testID);
As you can see you end up with invalid syntax here:
DECLARE @testID intSET @testID = @@identityINSERT
A quick fix would be to add spaces and/or terminate your statements properly with a semi-colon:
sql="INSERT INTO Questions(QuestionText, QuestionType)"
sql=sql & " VALUES "
sql=sql & "('" & qtext & "',"
sql=sql & "'" & "checkbox" & "');"
sql=sql & "DECLARE @testID int;"
sql=sql & "SET @testID = @@identity;"
sql=sql & "INSERT INTO Questions(QuestionText)"
sql=sql & " VALUES "
sql=sql & "(@testID);"
Better still would be to use parameterised queries as well, your current code is not type safe, vulnerable to sql injection, and cannot take advantage of query plan caching.
Finally @@IDENTITY
is almost never the correct function to use, you should be using SCOPE_IDENTITY() for this - See this answer for more info
I know this is only a proto type query for testing, but you could transform your query into a single statement as follows:
INSERT INTO Questions(QuestionText, QuestionType)
OUTPUT inserted.QuestionText INTO Questions (QuestionText)
OUTPUT inserted.QuestionText
VALUES (?, ?);
The first output statement will insert the value of QuestionText you are inserting into the table again, the second output will return this value to ASP.
Here are 2 simple and ready to use functions in classic ASP to execute SQL stuff
' Generates Recordset from SQL String and either Connection String or Connection Object
' (works with both), 3rd paramter bForUpdate (true/false) specifies if the returned
' Recordset is read-only or allows updates
' Returns ADODB Recordset as Result
' Example Usage:
' Dim conn : Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection)
' Dim rs, strSQL
' strSQL = "Select * From Table;"
' Set rs = GenerateRecordSet(strSQL, conn)
' If not rs.EOF Then
' ...
' End If
Function GenerateRecordSet(byVal sqlstring, byVal connDSN, byVal bForUpdate) 'as ADODB.Recordset
' Create a Recordset based on SQL Statement
Dim oRecSet
Set oRecSet = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
oRecSet.CursorLocation = 3
If bForUpdate Then
oRecSet.open sqlstring, connDSN, 3,2
oRecSet.open sqlstring, connDSN
End If
Set GenerateRecordSet = oRecSet
End Function
' Execute a Stored Procedure or sql statement without return values
' Requires sql string to execute and either DSN connection string to database or
' ADODB.Connection object
' Returns Nothing*
' (using Function instead of Sub that programmers can use FN(param) without
' getting any errors)
Function ExecSP(byVal sqlstring, byVal connDSN) 'nothing
Dim bCloseConn : bCloseConn = False
If Not isObject(connDSN) Then
Dim connStr : connStr = connDSN
bCloseConn = True
Set connDSN = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
connDSN.ConnectionTimeout = 10000
connDSN.CommandTimeout = 10000
connDSN.Open connStr
End If
connDSN.Execute "SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY LOW" 'Optional, you can comment it out, if not needed
connDSN.Execute sqlstring
If bCloseConn Then
Set connDSN = Nothing
End If
End Function