I'm trying to figure out a way to stop this flash message from showing on page load:
class SearchesController < ApplicationController
def index
@users = User.search params[:search]
@default_image = "/assets/default_avatar.jpg"
if @users.empty? || params[:search].blank?
flash[:error] = "Sorry no user(s) found!" if @users.empty?
flash[:error] = "Please give us something to search for!" if params[:search].blank?
render 'index'
I understand why it's showing (obviously when page is visited the search params is blank already). There must be some trick in ruby on rails that I can use on this flash message to stop it from firing until search button is clicked e.g.
flash[:error] = "Please give us something to search for!" if params[:search].blank? after_get
Bare in mind that was after_get was made up.
I'm sure someone out there has the answer for this.
I saw after_commit in the rails api but no example of how to use it in my situation or even if it's what I need.
Kind reards
A simple solution would be to add a hidden field to the search form and check if that value is present instead of the actual search-string.
<%= hidden_field_tag :searching, true %>
flash[:error] = "Please give us something to search for!" if params[:searching]
I can think of java script based solution, (but not rails)
- Print the rails flash message in a dev
- Keep that DEV hidden
- When user clicks the search button, just use a java script to
display the DIV
I think this fits your requirement, and as far as I'm concern rails doesnt support your requirement out of the box
If I understand correctly, you access the action 'index' either with a GET request (in this case you don't want the flash message), or with a POST form where the :search field is filled.
You can check if you're in a POST request with request.post?
(also exists request.get?
, request.put?
, etc...)
class SearchesController < ApplicationController
def index
@default_image = "/assets/default_avatar.jpg"
if request.post?
@users = User.search params[:search]
if @users.empty? || params[:search].blank?
flash[:error] = "Sorry no user(s) found!" if @users.empty?
flash[:error] = "Please give us something to search for!" if params[:search].blank?
I removed the render 'index'
, I think it's useless.