
REST API - How to modify email notifications in Do

2019-08-29 10:29发布


How do you add reminders and expirations? I can CreateAndSend an envelope, but not sure where to add this optional parameter. My current JSON request below:

 POST https://demo.docusign.net/restapi/v2/accounts/175597/envelopes

     "emailBlurb": "Please sign to complete the document signature",
     "emailSubject": "Reminder and Expiration Test",
     "documents": [
             "documentId": "1",
             "name": "7805dda0-9363-11e3-a6ef-0e26cd4d7860.pdf"
     "recipients": {
         "signers": [
                 "recipientId": "1",
                 "email": "email@hotmail.com",
                 "name": "Test Test",
                 "routingOrder": 1
     "status": "sent"


Refer to the CreateEnvelope API documentation

Here is an example that specifies the notification settings in the API request.

POST https://demo.docusign.net/restapi/v2/accounts/175597/envelopes

 "emailBlurb": "Please sign to complete the document signature",
 "emailSubject": "Reminder and Expiration Test",
 "status": "sent",
 "documents" :[//dcouments go here],
 "recipients" :{//recipients go here},
     "useAccountDefaults":"String content", 
         "reminderEnabled":"String content", 
         "reminderDelay":"String content", 
         "reminderFrequency":"String content" 
         "expirationEnabled":"String content", 
         "expirationAfter":"String content", 
         "expirationWarn":"String content" 

Old documentation for the REST API can be found here

标签: docusignapi