There is an TypeError: execute() takes at most 3 a

2019-08-29 10:00发布


I have made a webscraper in python and I am now trying to get it to output the data i have scraped into a mysqldb but I keep getting this error and I don't know how to fix it.this is the error I get

 File "C:/Users/owner/Downloads/Scrape (2).py", line 16, in <module>
    cursor.execute("INSERT INTO london10dayforecast (Day,Condition,High,Low,) VALUES (?,?,?,?)", str(var1),str(var2),str(var3),str(var4))
TypeError: execute() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given)

Process finished with exit code 1

Here is the code:

import requests
import MySQLdb

r = requests.get("")
data = r.json()

for day in data['forecast']['simpleforecast']['forecastday']:
var1= day['date']['weekday'] + ":"
var2= "Conditions: ", day['conditions']
var3= "High: ", day['high']['celsius'] + "'C"
var4= "Low: ", day['low']['celsius'] + "'C", '\n'

db = MySQLdb.connect("","root","","weathersystem" )
cursor = db.cursor()

cursor.execute("INSERT INTO london10dayforecast (Day,Condition,High,Low,) VALUES (?,?,?,?)", str(var1),str(var2),str(var3),str(var4))



You need to pass the values in as a tuple

cursor.execute("INSERT INTO london10dayforecast (Day,Condition,High,Low) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s)", (str(var1),str(var2),str(var3),str(var4)))

or more readably

qstr = "INSERT INTO london10dayforecast (Day,Condition,High,Low) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s)"
params = str(var1), str(var2), str(var3), str(var4)
cursor.execute(qstr, params)