I feel like i have been searching every where without finding an answer to this.
I have a list preference
With the following entries and entryValues:
<string-array name="listArray">
<string-array name="listValues">
So say that in one of my activities i want to add something to the list.
The following is an attempt but it doesnt seem to work:
this.appPrefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getBaseContext());
this.prefEditor = appPrefs.edit();
ListPreference list = (ListPreference) getSharedPreferences("signedUpCompetetion", MODE_PRIVATE);
list.setEntries("This is a test");
Anyone able to tell me how to add to a listpreference?
Update By the looks of it this seems to work
PreferenceScreen root = this.getPreferenceScreen();
ListPreference list = (ListPreference) root.findPreference("signedUpCompetetion");
CharSequence[] entries = { "One", "Two", "Three" };
CharSequence[] entryValues = { "1", "2", "3" };
However there is 1 problem! if i restart the application the list is not preserved. which means that the list is empty!