Android: adb: Permission Denied

2019-01-16 04:43发布


Whatever I type after "adb shell" it fails with Permission denied:

D:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools>adb shell find /data -name *.db
find: permission denied

D:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools>adb shell test
test: permission denied

D:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools>adb remount
remount failed: No such file or directory

Any ideas?


According to adb help:

adb root                     - restarts the adbd daemon with root permissions

Which indeed resolved the issue for me.


The reason for "permission denied" is because your Android machine has not been correctly rooted. Did you see $ after you started adb shell? If you correctly rooted your machine, you would have seen # instead.

If you see the $, try entering Super User mode by typing su. If Root is enabled, you will see the # - without asking for password.


Without rooting: If you can't root your phone, use the run-as <package> command to be able to access data of your application.


$ adb exec-out run-as ls -R /data/data/

exec-out executes the command without starting a shell and mangling the output.


You might need to activate adb root from the developer settings menu. If you run adb root from the cmd line you can get:

root access is disabled by system setting - enable in settings -> development options

Once you activate the root option (ADB only or Apps and ADB) adb will restart and you will be able to use root from the cmd line.


Be careful with the slash, change "\" for "/" , like this: adb.exe push SuperSU-v2.79-20161205182033.apk /storage


data partition not accessible for non root user, if you want to access it you must root your phone.

adb root not work for all product and depend in phone build type.

in new version on android studio you can explore /data/data path for debuggable apps.


Solution for me was (thx to David Ljung Madison post)

  1. Root the phone & be sure it is rooted
  2. Adb server (adbd) was not run as root so downloaded & installed the adbd insecure app
  3. Restart adb adb kill-server
  4. Run it & worked like a flower!


Do adb remount. And then try adb shell


Run your cmd as administrator this will solve my issues. Thanks.

标签: android adb