I'm trying send data (input text, dropdown list, etc) and files to PHP file through Ajax. I use this function to add extra parameter named Action. Action can be some of these texts: "add", "edit", "read" and "delete" (crud options). See the script below:
function recordActions(action_name, id) {
//id = (typeof id == "undefined") ? '' : id;
var frm = document.getElementById(action_name + '_form');
var form_data = new FormData();
form_data.append('action', action_name);
form_data.append('fd', frm);
type: 'post',
dataType: 'json',
url: '<?php echo FILENAME_USERS_ACTIONS; ?>',
data: form_data,
cache: false,
processData: false,
contentType: false,
if (data.action == 'add' || data.action == 'edit') {
$("#" + action_name + '_form')[0].reset();
$("#" + action_name + '_div').slideUp();
// esta línea evita que la página se refresque dando a Cancelar la visita y evita que salga Error en Success de Arriba
if (action_name == 'cancel') return false;
When the Ajax call the PHP file (), I don't know how to access the data contains in FormData. Seeing the Params in Web Developer, I got it:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="action"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="fd"
[object HTMLFormElement]
Then, I put some code in PHP to see the params and their values:
echo '<br>Post: ' . $_POST['fd'];
but I got nothing to help me.
[action] => actadd
[fd] => [object HTMLFormElement]
<br>Post: [object HTMLFormElement]
Anyone knows how to access to any value inside of fd? fd should have values of my input texts, dropdown, textarea, etc.
Following the answer of this question: Uploading both data and files in one form using Ajax? we can put all HTML Controls in one FormData.
Thanks in Advance!