I am making a basic search form with symfony 2. I have problem with configuration of routing.yml file.
My routing.yml File
pattern: /{_locale}/search
defaults: { _controller: AdhlFrontBundle:Blog:search }
_locale: en
My form code:
<form method="get" action="{{ path('adhl_front_search') }}/">
<input type="text" value="" name="keyword" />
<input type="submit" value="Search" />
I get and want this url:
Symfony Error:
No route found for "GET /en/search/"
I don't know how to configure my url for search form. In my case it expect ?keyword=computer in routing.yml. If i do it like pattern: /{_locale}/search/{keyword}
then form page gives error at {{ path('adhl_front_search') }}
Secondly, how can i pass the keyword (computer in above case) value to my controller? Please help me to sort out this problem.