I have a user input that would be used in a search string that may contain a metacharacter
For e.g. C# or C++
my grep command in a function was:
grep -E "$1|$2" test.txt
under direct replacement:
grep -E "C\+\+|testWord" test.txt
grep -E "C\#|testWord" test.txt
the first caught the lines fine but not the second.
Strangely, # was completely ignored.
Without direct replacement, both catch anything with c followed by testWord instead of c++ and c# respectively
I've tried handling it using sed
$temp = `echo $1 | sed 's/[\#\!\&\;\`\"\'\|\*\?\~\<\>\^\(\)\[\]\{\}\$\+\\]/\\&/g'`
but it doesn't work right.
Or is there any other way to handle user input with metacharacters?
Thanks in advance
if you are passing the input as arguments to the script
while read -r line
case "$line" in
*$input1*|*$input2* ) echo "found: $line";;
done <"BooksDB.txt
$ cat file
this is a line
this line has C++ and C#
this line has only C++ and that's it
this line has only C# and that's it
this is end line Caa
$ ./shell.sh C++ C#
found: this line has C++ and C#
found: this line has only C++ and that's it
found: this line has only C# and that's it
if you are getting input from read
read -p "Enter input1:" input1
read -p "Enter input2:" input2
while read -r line
case "$line" in
*$input1|*$input2* ) echo "found: $line";;
done <"BooksDB.txt"
This works for me:
$ testfun1(){ echo "foo $1" | grep "$1"; }
$ testfun1 C#
foo C#
$ testfun2(){ read a; echo "bar $a" | grep "$a"; }
$ testfun2
bar C#
You might try this form without -E
$ testfun3(){ grep "$1\|$2" test.txt; }
$ testfun3 C++ awk
something about C++
blah awk blah
$ testfun3 C# sed
blah sed blah
the text containing C#
$ testfun3 C# C++
something about C++
the text containing C#
Just quote all the grep metacharacters in $1 and $2 before adding them to your grep expression.
Something like this:
quoted1=`echo "$1" | sed -e 's/\([]\.?^${}+*[]\)/\\\\\1/g'`
quoted2=`echo "$2" | sed -e 's/\([]\.?^${}+*[]\)/\\\\\1/g'`
grep -E "$quoted1\|$quoted2" test.txt
ought to work. Adjust the metachar list to suit. Handling | is a little tricky because backslashing makes it special, but since we're already backslashing backslashes I think it's safe.