Multiple file uploads via Javascript/Ajax?

2019-08-29 06:49发布


Is there a way to select more than one files to upload when a user clicks the 'Browse' button, and have those files uploaded without refreshing the page?

This happens in Gmail, when you click to attach a file you can hold down CTRL and select multiple files.


I recently faced a similar problem. We had been using Uploadify ( to do uploads. I wrote a blog post on how to use Uploadify to perform multiple file uploads:

There are a couple of supported options:

  • Use a single 'input' element and select multiple files.

  • Use multiple 'input' elements to select a single file each.

Hope this helps.



there are only two ways of uploading a file without refreshing the page:

  1. iframe

  2. flash - it will give you the possibility to select multiple files at once

look at SWFUpload for more info


If you want some that is really cross-platform use: plupload it support HTML4, 5, Flash, and much more...


Check it's a neat plugin!

EDIT: Added an exclamation point.