Struggling to find a way to multiply the numbers in the below array
[120.98 7, 151.99 8, 141.39 4, 137.71 7, 121.27 6, 187.29 11]
Trying to split them by space using split and multiply them however facing issues, any ideas ?
Ask is to multiply the two numbers before comma.
It's a problem if your array stands as you show it. But if you set it first in String format, here is a solution :
myArray = "[120.98 7, 151.99 8, 141.39 4, 137.71 7, 121.27 6, 187.29 11]"
myStr = myArray[2..-1] // to get rid of brackets
myStr = myStr[0..-2]
myStr = myStr.tokenize('[,]') // for parsing
println myStr
//println it
first = it.split()[0].toDouble()
second = it.split()[1].toDouble()
println "$first * $second = " + first*second
It's probably not the best or cleanest way, but it fits your requirements
here's the result:
[20.98 7, 151.99 8, 141.39 4, 137.71 7, 121.27 6, 187.29 11]
20.98 * 7.0 = 146.86
151.99 * 8.0 = 1215.92
141.39 * 4.0 = 565.56
137.71 * 7.0 = 963.97
121.27 * 6.0 = 727.62
187.29 * 11.0 = 2060.19