I have the following function to recursively search for dll files.
Function ProcessDLLFiles
Exch $0
Push $1
Push $2
FindFirst $1 $2 "$INSTDIR\*.dll"
IfErrors end
DetailPrint 'Found "$0\$2"'
FindNext $1 $2
goto loop
FindClose $1
FindFirst $1 $2 "$0\*.*"
IfErrors dirend
IfFileExists "$0\$2\*.*" 0 dirnext
StrCmp $2 "." dirnext
StrCmp $2 ".." dirnext
Push "$0\$2"
call ${__FUNCTION__}
FindNext $1 $2
goto dirloop
FindClose $1
Pop $2
Pop $1
Pop $0
When I run the installer normally, it works as expected and finds all dll files in the associated folder.
However, it does not find these files in silent mode, even though I can navigate to the directory it is searching in and see that the files are there. I already request admin privileges during installation, and Administrators have full permissions on the dll files in the folder.
Any ideas why it may not be finding the files?