I've written a small class that uses AVFoundation to play audio using an array. Basically an new element is appended to the array every time 'playAudio' is called. This allows multiple sounds to play without cutting each other off. Also, so that the array doesn't infinitely increase in size I've set it to cycle back to index 0 after filling 5 slots in the array. Now everything works perfectly but after 'audioPlayer' has been called a bunch of times, audio suddenly stops and I start getting the 'Error' in the Catch section but my app continues to function normally as if it has just been muted. Can anyone tell me why this is happening?
var audioIndexA = 0
public class AudioPlayer: NSObject {
var playerA = [AVAudioPlayer]()
func playAudio(audioFile audioFile: String){
let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource(audioFile, ofType:"wav")
let fileURL = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: path!)
playerA.insert(try AVAudioPlayer(contentsOfURL: fileURL, fileTypeHint: nil), atIndex: audioIndexA)
if audioIndexA < 5{
} else{
audioIndexA = 0
} catch{