I'm trying to write a program for calculating a NAND boolean expression using Lex/Yacc.
For example, if input is "true nand (false nand true)," my program should print "false"
This is what I have so far,, but I am really stuck
What am I missing or doing wrong?
#include "y.tab.h"
"true"|"false" {return BOOL;}
"nand" {return NAND;}
[()] {return yytext[0];}
%token BOOL NAND
%left NAND
boolexp: boolexp NAND boolterm {$$ = !($1 && $3);}
| boolterm {$$=$1;}
boolterm: '(' boolexp ')'
| BOOL {$$ = (strcmp($1, "true")) ? 1 : 0;}
#include <lex.yy.c>
int main(void) {