I am using .NET and have a simple page set up which includes some html inputs that trigger a color picker on focus. Right now I have code to save the colors from the inputs to my DB on save in the browser. I then am using system io to create a vars.scss file which holds all the color values from the DB. This file gets created on save in the browser. This works perfectly. However, I do have a major problem. I have a main.scss file which only purpose is to import the vars.scss. On my local dev environment, I am using PrePros to actually handle the sass compilation. It all works just fine. On save in the browser, the sass gets compiled via PrePros with the updated variables coming from vars.scss.
However, I want to allow my clients to use this tool but not force them to have to use a third party sass compiler like PrePros. Is this even possible?
I guess what I am asking is, can you have a sass compiler running on a server just waiting for you to do a save from a post request?