This is what I have so far. I'm trying to use IE for user input. All I need help with is the 'OnClick' thing that is supposed to be calling myfunc().
'global variables
Dim objIE, screen, w, h
'==============================================SUBS AND FUNCTIONS BELOW=================================================
Sub GetClient
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
set screen = ObjIE.Parent
w = screen.width
h = screen.height
'make IE look like an input box kinda
objIE.Document.Body.Style.overflow = "auto"
objIE.document.title = "--------------------BITB Client--------------------"
objIE.visible = true
objIE.MenuBar = False
objIE.ToolBar = False
objIE.AddressBar = false
objIE.Resizable = False
objIE.Width = 400
objIE.Height = 280
objIE.Left = (w/2) - 200
objIE.Top = (h/2)
'html form to get input
objIE.Document.Body.InnerHTML = "<p>-Please choose a client listed below-</p>" _
& "<form>" _
& "<input type=""radio"" name=""client"" value=""176"">176<br>" _
& "<input type=""radio"" name=""client"" value=""515"">515<br>" _
& "<input type=""radio"" name=""client"" value=""760"">760<br>" _
& "<input type=""submit"" value=""submit"" OnClick=""VBScript:myfunc()"">" _
& "</form>"
end sub
function myfunc()
msgbox "yay it works"
end function
I've looked everywhere and I don't understand why this doesn't work. If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated. =]. Also if anyone feels like making the function that could tell which radio button was selected go right ahead.