I need to do rsync by ssh and want to do it automatically without need of passing password for ssh manually.
You should use a keyfile without passphrase for scripted ssh logins. This is obviously a security risk, take care that the keyfile itself is adequately secured.
Instructions for setting up passwordless ssh access
Use "sshpass" non-interactive ssh password provider utility
On Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install sshpass
Command to rsync
/usr/bin/rsync -ratlz --rsh="/usr/bin/sshpass -p password ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l username" src_path dest_path
You can avoid the password prompt on rsync command by setting the environment variable RSYNC_PASSWORD to the password you want to use or using the --password-file option.
If you can't use a public/private keys, you can use expect:
spawn rsync SRC DEST
expect "password:"
send "PASS\n"
expect eof
if [catch wait] {
puts "rsync failed"
exit 1
exit 0
You will need to replace SRC and DEST with your normal rsync source and destination parameters, and replace PASS with your password. Just make sure this file is stored securely!
use a ssh key :
look at ssh-keygen and ssh-copy-id.
After that you can use an rsync this way :
rsync -a --stats --progress --delete /home/path server:path
another interesting possibility: 1. generate RSA, or DSA key pair (as it was described) 2. put public key to host (as it was already described) 3. run:
rsync --partial --progress --rsh="ssh -i dsa_private_file" host_name@host:/home/me/d .
Note: -i dsa_private_file which is your RSA/DSA private key
Basically, this approach is very similar to the one described by @Mad Scientist, however you do not have to copy your private key to ~/.ssh. In other words, it is useful for ad-hoc tasks (one time passwordless access)
Though you've already implemented it by now,
you can also use any expect implementation (you'll find alternatives in Perl, Python: pexpect, paramiko, etc..)
Automatically entering the password for the rsync command is difficult. My simple solution to avoid the problem is to mount the folder to be backed up. Then use a local rsync command to backup the mounted folder.
mount -t cifs //server/source/ /mnt/source-tmp -o username=Username,password=password
rsync -a /mnt/source-tmp /media/destination/
umount /mnt/source-tmp
I use a VBScript file for doing this on Windows platform, it servers me very well.
set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
shell.run"rsync -a Name@ ."
WScript.Sleep 100
shell.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
the following works for me
/usr/bin/rsync -a -r -p -o -g --progress --modify-window=1 --exclude /folderOne -s -u --rsh="/usr/bin/sshpass -p $SSHPASS ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l root" source-path myDomain:dest-path >&2
I had to install sshpass
I work out so
sshpass -p "password" rsync -ae "ssh -p remote_port_ssh" /local_dir remote_user@remote_host:/remote_dir
Following the idea posted by Andrew Seaford, this is done using sshfs:
echo "SuperHardToGuessPass:P" | sshfs -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no user@example.com:/mypath/ /mnt/source-tmp/ -o workaround=rename -o password_stdin
rsync -a /mnt/source-tmp/ /media/destination/
umount /mnt/source-tmp