I want to display a property name based on user input and display this inside of SyntaxHighlighter. Another post says this is supposed to be easy.
$('#inputText').keyup(function () {
var outputValue = $('#codeTemplate').html();//Take the output of codeTemplate
$('#codeContent').html(outputValue);//Stick the contents of code template into codeContent
var finalOutputValue = $('#codeContent').html();//Take the content of codeContent and insert it into the sample label
$('.popover #sample').html(finalOutputValue);
<div style="display: none;">
<label class="propertyName"></label>
<label id="codeTemplate">
<label class="propertyName"></label>
//Not using Dynamic object and default Section (appSettings):
var actual = new Configuration().Get("Chained.Property.key");
//more code
<pre id="codeContent" class="brush: csharp;">
<div id="popover-content" style="display: none">
<label id="sample">
This outputs plain text. As if SyntaxHighlighter never ran. I suspect that the issue has to do with the fact that <pre>
doesn't exist after the page is rendered. However, updating
SyntaxHighlighter.config.tagName = "label";
along with pre to label did not work either.
There were many problems that had to be overcome to get this to function. I feel this is best explained with code:
$(function () {
html: true,
trigger: 'focus',
position: 'top',
content: function () {
console.log('content updated');
var popover = $('#popover-content');
return popover.html();//inserts the data into .popover-content (a new div with matching class name for the id)
$('#Key').keyup(function () {
function loadCodeData(loadOriginal) {
var userData = $('#Key').val();
var codeTemplate = $('#codeTemplate').html();
var tokenizedValue = codeTemplate.toString().replace('$$propertyNameToken', userData);
$('#codeContent').attr('class', 'brush: csharp');//!IMPORTANT: re-append the class so SyntaxHighlighter will process the div again
var syntaxHighlightedResult = $('#codeContent').html();//Take the content of codeContent and insert it into the div
var popover;
popover = $('#popover-content');//popover.content performs the update of the generated class for us so well we need to do is update the popover itself
else {
popover = $('.popover-content');//otherwise we have to update the dynamically generated popup ourselves.
SyntaxHighlighter.config.tagName = 'div';//override the default pre because pre gets converted to another tag on the client.
<div style="display: none;">
<label id="codeTemplate">
//Not using Dynamic object and default Section (appSettings):
var actual = new Configuration().Get("$$propertyNameToken");
//Using a type argument:
int actual = new Configuration().Get<int>("asdf");
//And then specifying a Section:
var actual = new Configuration("SectionName").Get("test");
//Using the Dynamic Object and default Section:
var actual = new Configuration().NumberOfRetries();
//Using a type argument:
int actual = new Configuration().NumberOfRetries<int>();
//And then specifying a Section:
var actual = new Configuration("SectionName").NumberOfRetries();
<div id="codeContent" class="brush: csharp;">
<div id="popover-content" style="display: none">