What I am trying to do is generate some raw output within a module.
I would like to pass an array of data through to a template file, and then use that data to populate the code from the template. The template is represented by a file in my theme folder.
I have a hook set up for a certain URL (/itunes):
$items['itunes'] = array(
'page callback' => 'itunespromo_buildpage',
'access arguments' => array('access content'),
..inside itunespromo_buildpage...
function itunespromo_buildpage() {
//grab some data to pass through to template file, put into $promo_data
$details = theme('itunes_page', array(
'promo_data' => $promo_data,
return $details;
Here is the hook_theme():
function itunespromo_theme() {
return array(
'itunes_page' => array(
'template' => 'itunes_page',
Inside my theme's template.php:
function geddystyle_itunes_page($vars) {
return print_r($vars['promo_data'], true);
Right now, $promo_data is being passed through fine, and it is print_r'd on to the result page. However, I'd like to then take this $promo_data variable and use it in my itunes_page.tpl.php template file.
I'm kind of certain I'm close here. Am I supposed to call some sort of render function and pass the $promo_data variable to it from function itunespromo_theme()?