I'm using a script from this site. This script works fine for me and it does what its need to do but I have one problem. When a track finishes on my Icecast server it doesn't get updates on the site. So if my song is 'Stole the show' than it says 'Stole the show' the page but when the song finished and e.g. 'Thinking out loud' starts the page still says 'Stole the show' on a refresh it will update. But how to make it so the page auto updates itself so the users doesn't have to refresh manually?
// include the class file
include( 'icecast.php' );
// instantiate class
$stream = new IceCast();
// set server and mount
$server = 'http://radio.finioxfm.com:8000';
$file = '/status.xsl';
// set the url
// get status info
$radio = $stream->getStatus();
// assign array to variables
// echo the status
echo $status.'<br/>';
// display more stats if ON AIR
if ($status=='ON AIR') :
echo $listeners.' listeners<br/>';
echo $title.'<br/>';
echo $genre.'<br/>';
for ($i=0; $i < 1; $i++) {
echo $now_playing['artist'].'<br/>';
echo $now_playing['track'].'<br/>';
icecast.php script
class IceCast {
var $server = "http://radio.finioxfm.com:8000";
var $stats_file = "/status.xsl";
var $radio_info=array();
function __construct() {
// build array to store our Icecast stats
$this->radio_info['server'] = $this->server;
$this->radio_info['title'] = '';
$this->radio_info['description'] = '';
$this->radio_info['content_type'] = '';
$this->radio_info['mount_start'] = '';
$this->radio_info['bit_rate'] = '';
$this->radio_info['listeners'] = '';
$this->radio_info['most_listeners'] = '';
$this->radio_info['genre'] = '';
$this->radio_info['url'] = '';
$this->radio_info['now_playing'] = array();
$this->radio_info['now_playing']['artist'] = 'Unknown';
$this->radio_info['now_playing']['track'] = 'Unknown';
$this->radio_info['status'] = 'OFF AIR';
function setUrl($url,$file) {
$this->radio_info['server'] = $this->server;
private function fetch() {
// create a new curl resource
$ch = curl_init();
// set the url
// return as a string
// $output = the status.xsl file
$output = curl_exec($ch);
// close curl resource to free up system resources
return $output;
function getStatus() {
// loop through $output and sort arrays
$temp_array = array();
$search_for = "<td\s[^>]*class=\"streamdata\">(.*)<\/td>";
$search_td = array('<td class="streamdata">','</td>');
if(preg_match_all("/$search_for/siU",$output,$matches)) {
foreach($matches[0] as $match) {
$to_push = str_replace($search_td,'',$match);
$to_push = trim($to_push);
if(count($temp_array)) {
//sort our temp array into our ral array
$this->radio_info['title'] = $temp_array[0];
$this->radio_info['description'] = $temp_array[1];
$this->radio_info['content_type'] = $temp_array[2];
$this->radio_info['mount_start'] = $temp_array[3];
$this->radio_info['bit_rate'] = $temp_array[4];
$this->radio_info['listeners'] = $temp_array[5];
$this->radio_info['most_listeners'] = $temp_array[6];
$this->radio_info['genre'] = $temp_array[7];
$this->radio_info['url'] = $temp_array[8];
if(isset($temp_array[9])) {
$x = explode(" - ",$temp_array[9]);
$this->radio_info['now_playing']['artist'] = $x[0];
$this->radio_info['now_playing']['track'] = $x[1];
$this->radio_info['status'] = 'ON AIR';
return $this->radio_info;