I am trying to do Full Outer Join on 4 Hive tables. The JOIN key is same, but the schema of the 4 tables are different. I want to generate all the column values for all the ids present in the 4 tables. But the id column should be present only once with all values included, not 4 times(each from one table)
Query 1
select count(*)
from table1 f FULL OUTER JOIN table2 u on f.id=u.id
FULL OUTER JOIN table3 v on f.id=v.id
FULL OUTER JOIN table4 v_in on f.id=v_in.id;
Query 2
select count(*)
from table1 f FULL OUTER JOIN table2 u on f.id=u.id
FULL OUTER JOIN table3 v on f.id=v.id
FULL OUTER JOIN table4 v_in on f.id=v_in.id
group by f.id,u.id,v.id,v_in.id, f.name, f.amt, f.add, u.dt, u.ts, v.ea,v.rd,
How to generate all the values of id from 4 tables in one column, along with other column values?
Is there is a better way to do this?