I am creating a few checkboxes when I open a form with the following code:
private void OpenFolder_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
int i = 0;
foreach (string file in filesToOpen)
Label lbl = new Label();
lbl.Text = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file);
lbl.Width = 200;
lbl.Height = 25;
lbl.AutoEllipsis = true;
lbl.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(10, 40 + 25 * i);
string checkName = "check" + i;
CheckBox check = new CheckBox();
check.Checked = true;
check.AccessibleName = checkName;
check.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(340, 40 + 25 * i);
check.CheckedChanged +=new EventHandler(check_CheckedChanged);
and I am trying to check the state of the checkboxes everytime one changes to toggle my OK button (the user can validate only if there are a certain number of the checkboxes checked)
here is the code I use, but it fails as I am not able to target the checkboxes:
private void check_CheckedChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < filesToOpen.Count(); i++)
string tbarName = "tbar" + i;
string checkName = "check" + i;
CheckBox ckb = this.Controls.OfType<CheckBox>()
.Where(c => c.AccessibleName.Equals(checkName)) as CheckBox;
TrackBar tkb = this.Controls.OfType<TrackBar>()
.Where(t => t.AccessibleName.Equals(tbarName)) as TrackBar;
//TrackBar tkb = this.Controls.Find(tbarName, false).First() as TrackBar;
//CheckBox ckb = this.Controls.Find(checkName, false).First() as CheckBox;
if (ckb.Checked == true)
//do stuff
what am I doing wrong/really wrong?