I'm doing a parse batch save requestas follows:
is an array with thousands of objects to save. I'm also interested in guarante the uniqueness of my data. So I have a beforeSave hook that do it for me:
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave("NameGender", function(request, response) {
if (!request.object.isNew()) {
// Let existing object updates go through
var query = new Parse.Query("NameGender");
// Add query filters to check for uniqueness
query.equalTo("name", request.object.get("name"));
query.first().then(function(existingObject) {
if (existingObject) {
// Update existing object
if (request.object.get("gender") != "U"){
existingObject.set("gender", request.object.get("gender"));
return existingObject.save();
} else {
// Pass a flag that this is not an existing object
return Parse.Promise.as(false);
}).then(function(existingObject) {
if (existingObject) {
// Existing object, stop initial save
response.error("Existing object");
} else {
// New object, let the save go through
}, function (error) {
The code above is running as expected but i'm with a performance problem since i'm triggering a find for each object i'm saving and so i'm reaching Parse request/sec limit. Could anyone help me here finding a way to solve this?