C# How to get the Coordinates of a specific Point

2019-08-29 00:10发布


I have the following problem: I'm writing a WinForms application with C# and i want to get the Screen - Coordinates of a part of a picture, in this case the top of this hand (marked by the red point).

Does anybody know how i can do this programmaticaly?

("Koordinaten dieses Punktes" = Coordinates of this Point)

EDIT: sry for confusing you, the picture above should only demonstrate my problem. The actual target of my program is to move the mouse-controlled-hand of a dart game to the right position, but it isn't possible by only setting the MouseLocation to a fix Point, because every turn the dart-hand gets another x:y distance to the MouseLocation. So I need to find the Location of the dart (-arrow).

I hope that everybody knows what my problem is now.

Picture of the dart game


In some event of the form use:

this.PointToScreen(new System.Drawing.Point(250, 300));

Replace the Point by the point (relative to the form) you are interested in.


Control.PointToScreen won't work correctly if your window is minimized, hidden or off the screen. You'll have to drop down to Interop with Win32 APIs:

so start by importing the API:

static extern bool GetCursorPos(out Point lpPoint);

and use it:

Point pts;
GetCursorPos(out pts);
MessageBox.Show(this, pts.ToString());