
Error: cannot find symbol symbol: variable A

2019-08-28 23:30发布


I am trying to create a sort of pay slip to print in the console but I receive the following errors from my code. Its really just one error many times, but I don't think I have enough knowledge of java to fix it on my own.

import java.io.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.util.Scanner;

class Assign2num2 
  public static void main (String [] args)
   String famname, firstname;
   double gross, deduct, tax, pay, hrs, ovtm;
   char letter, yn;
   Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
   System.out.println("Please enter your family name and first name.");
   famname = in.nextLine();
   firstname = in.nextLine();
System.out.println("Please enter how much you are paid per hour and the amount of hours you worked this week. Enter overtime hours seperately please.");
pay = in.nextInt();
 if (pay<0) {
  System.out.println("You must enter a positive number or zero for your hourly pay.");
    pay = in.nextInt();
  else {
    pay = pay;
hrs = in.nextInt();
 if (hrs<0||hrs>40) {
  System.out.println("You must enter a positive number less than or equal to 40, or zero for the amount of hours worked this week.");
    hrs = in.nextInt();
  else {
    hrs = hrs;
ovtm = in.nextInt();
 if (ovtm<0) {
  System.out.println("You must enter a positive number or zero for your overtime hours worked.");
    ovtm = in.nextInt();
  else {
    ovtm = ovtm;
   gross = (pay*hrs) + ((pay*2)*ovtm);
System.out.println("Please enter a letter indicating your tax category: A is no tax deduction, B is 10% of gross pay, \nC is 20% of gross pay, D is 29% of gross pay, E is 35% of gross pay");
letter = in.next().charAt(0);
 if (letter==A||letter==a){
  letter = letter;
  gross = gross;
  else if (letter==B||letter==b){
  letter = letter;
  deduct = (gross*0.1);
  tax = gross - deduct;  
  else if (letter==C||letter==c){
  letter = letter;
  deduct = (gross*0.2);
  tax = gross - deduct;
  else if (letter==D||letter==d){
  letter = letter;
  deduct = (gross*0.29);
  tax = gross - deduct;
  else if (letter==E||letter==e){
  letter = letter;
  deduct = (gross*0.35);
  tax = gross - deduct;
  else {
    System.out.println("You must enter a letter between A and E.");
     letter = in.next().charAt(0);

System.out.println("If you want $20.00 deducted from your weekly pay as a contribution to the \nUnited Way Charity, enter Y for yes. If not, enter N for no.");
yn = in.next().charAt(0);
if (letter==Y||letter==y||letter==N||letter==n){
  yn = yn;
  else {
    System.out.println("You must enter either Y or N.");
    yn = in.next().charAt(0);
  if (yn==Y||yn==y) {
    deduct = deduct + 20;
    tax = tax - 20;
   else {
    deduct = deduct;
    tax = tax;
  System.out.println("PAY SLIP");
  System.out.println(famname + ", " + firstname);
  System.out.println("Gross Pay: " + gross);
  System.out.println("Deductions: " + deduct);
  System.out.println("Net Pay: " + tax);

16 errors found:
File: G:\Computer Science\Dr Java Exercises\Java Files\Assign2num2.java  [line: 44]
Error: cannot find symbol
symbol:   variable A
location: class Assign2num2
File: G:\Computer Science\Dr Java Exercises\Java Files\Assign2num2.java  [line: 44]
Error: cannot find symbol
symbol:   variable a
location: class Assign2num2
File: G:\Computer Science\Dr Java Exercises\Java Files\Assign2num2.java  [line: 48]
Error: cannot find symbol
symbol:   variable B
location: class Assign2num2
File: G:\Computer Science\Dr Java Exercises\Java Files\Assign2num2.java  [line: 48]
Error: cannot find symbol
symbol:   variable b
location: class Assign2num2
File: G:\Computer Science\Dr Java Exercises\Java Files\Assign2num2.java  [line: 53]
Error: cannot find symbol
symbol:   variable C
location: class Assign2num2
File: G:\Computer Science\Dr Java Exercises\Java Files\Assign2num2.java  [line: 53]
Error: cannot find symbol
symbol:   variable c
location: class Assign2num2
File: G:\Computer Science\Dr Java Exercises\Java Files\Assign2num2.java  [line: 58]
Error: cannot find symbol
symbol:   variable D
location: class Assign2num2
File: G:\Computer Science\Dr Java Exercises\Java Files\Assign2num2.java  [line: 58]
Error: cannot find symbol
symbol:   variable d
location: class Assign2num2
File: G:\Computer Science\Dr Java Exercises\Java Files\Assign2num2.java  [line: 63]
Error: cannot find symbol
symbol:   variable E
location: class Assign2num2
File: G:\Computer Science\Dr Java Exercises\Java Files\Assign2num2.java  [line: 63]
Error: cannot find symbol
symbol:   variable e
location: class Assign2num2
File: G:\Computer Science\Dr Java Exercises\Java Files\Assign2num2.java  [line: 75]
Error: cannot find symbol
symbol:   variable Y
location: class Assign2num2
File: G:\Computer Science\Dr Java Exercises\Java Files\Assign2num2.java  [line: 75]
Error: cannot find symbol
symbol:   variable y
location: class Assign2num2
File: G:\Computer Science\Dr Java Exercises\Java Files\Assign2num2.java  [line: 75]
Error: cannot find symbol
symbol:   variable N
location: class Assign2num2
File: G:\Computer Science\Dr Java Exercises\Java Files\Assign2num2.java  [line: 75] 
Error: cannot find symbol
symbol:   variable n
location: class Assign2num2
File: G:\Computer Science\Dr Java Exercises\Java Files\Assign2num2.java  [line: 82]
Error: cannot find symbol
symbol:   variable Y
location: class Assign2num2
File: G:\Computer Science\Dr Java Exercises\Java Files\Assign2num2.java  [line: 82]
Error: cannot find symbol
symbol:   variable y
location: class Assign2num2


When you compare variables to an expected character, the character must be in single quotes, else the compiler thinks that it's another variable, which isn't defined.

E.g. change

if (letter==A||letter==a){


if (letter=='A'||letter=='a'){


you need to use ' '

if (letter == 'A')

char literals have to be sorrounded by ' ' and string literals have to be surrounded by " "


Use letter=='D', and likewise. Char literals are enclosed in single quotes.