If the method I need to use looks like this...
public void printMessages(Message mm) {
How do I iterate through the entire HashMap that looks like this...
HashMap<String, ArrayList<User>> hM = new HashMap<>();
to send each User the toString message generated by the Message mm? I'm stuck thanks for the advice.
To iterate over a map, use a foreach on the entrySet()
Map<K, V> map;
for (Map.Entry<K, V> entry : map.entrySet()) {
// do something with the key/value
K key = entry.getKey();
V value = entry.getValue();
However, in your case I think you may actually want this:
String message;
Map<String, List<User>> hM;
List<User> usersForMessage = hM.get(message);
for (User user : usersForMessage) {
// send "message" to "user"
user.sendMessage(message); // for example