I have a problem, I need to display an XML file that is hosted on a remote server. That file I want to display it with CSS and PHP in a file that is already assigned (page-xxxx.php)
I am currently using the following code, however I do not understand very well what I do:
<!-- API here we go!!! -->
$xmlhd = wp_remote_get('http://www.myurl.com/api/channel.php?type=hd');
$xmlparseado = simplexml_load_string($xmlhd['body']);
The URL specified in the code shows an XML file like this:
<channel name="KCBS HD">
<date>july, 23</date>
<title><![CDATA[ WKCBS Action News ]]></title>
<description><![CDATA[ Action News, hosted by: Jenn Doe ]]></description>
<date>July, 23</date>
<title><![CDATA[ KCBS Sports Center ]]></title>
<description><![CDATA[ The best scoreS from the Sportscenter stadium, hosted by: Fernando Sobalaprieta ]]></description>
What I would like to know is how to show this in front end of a page:
- date
- time
- description
- thumbnail (if exists)
The contents of the XML is just a sample example and does not necessarily represent the reality: D
In advance, thanks.