Do you know how can I search an replace a String in all files of my curent project ??
Lets say I have this string "/sites/default/ now i want it to be "/public/sites/default
but there are almost 1000 files.
Thank you in advance.
Do you know how can I search an replace a String in all files of my curent project ??
Lets say I have this string "/sites/default/ now i want it to be "/public/sites/default
but there are almost 1000 files.
Thank you in advance.
Depending on the file type you are focused on, Ctrl+H will open up different types of search screens.
A more consistent hotkey would be using the Alt method: Tap Alt, then A, then F.
Efficient Order of Operations:
You can find more details in my blog post:
Use Ctrl+H for opening Eclipse search dialog, select appropriate search tab and select "Replace..." to get you to the "Search and replace" dialog
Strange but it is a two step task:
A demo at:
There is an option in search => file and shortcut is Ctrl+H. Go for further refer follow link. This is work fine with Eclipse Neon
Is there a way to find/replace across an entire project in Eclipse?
ctrl + H will show the option to replace in the bottom .
Once you click on replace it will show as below
Tonny Madsen said it right, but sometimes this is too simplistic.
What if you want to be more selective in your replacements since not all replacements are correct for what you're trying to do?
First, do like he said:
I have tried the following option in Helios Version of Eclipse. Simply press CTRL+F you will get the "Find/Replace" Window on your screen