I wrote the function that Scale the jpeg and store into file as below
bool ResizeJpeg(unsigned char* _jpegDataBuff, int _buffLength, int _newSize_X, int _newSize_Y)
//Decode to bitmap
UnmanagedMemoryStream^ mStream = gcnew UnmanagedMemoryStream(_jpegDataBuff, _buffLength);
JpegBitmapDecoder^ decoder = gcnew JpegBitmapDecoder(mStream, BitmapCreateOptions::PreservePixelFormat, BitmapCacheOption::OnLoad);
BitmapSource^ bitmapSource = decoder->Frames[0];
//Scale bitmap into new size
BitmapSource^ bitmapSourceScaled = ResizeBitmap(bitmapSource, _newSize_X, _newSize_Y);
//Encode to Jpeg
FileStream^ fileStream = gcnew FileStream("1.jpg", FileMode::Create);
JpegBitmapEncoder^ encoder = gcnew JpegBitmapEncoder();
encoder->QualityLevel = _quality;
return true;
catch (System::Exception^)
return false;
BitmapSource ResizeBitmap(BitmapSource source, double nWidth, double nHeight)
TransformedBitmap tbBitmap = new TransformedBitmap(source,
new ScaleTransform(nWidth / source.PixelWidth,
nHeight / source.PixelHeight, 0, 0));
return tbBitmap;
This code work ok, but sometime it the result image is damaged as below
Plese help me, how to fix this bug?
Many thanks!