Development from the previous thread found that the assumptions when asking the question were off-topic (subprocess was actually not causing the problems), so I'm making a more focused post.
My error message:
No handlers could be found for logger ""
My intent:
Pass on Google PubSub message attributes as Python variables for re-use in later code.
My code:
import time
import logging
from import pubsub_v1
project_id = "redacted"
subscription_name = "redacted"
def receive_messages_with_custom_attributes(project_id, subscription_name):
"""Receives messages from a pull subscription."""
# [START pubsub_subscriber_sync_pull_custom_attributes]
subscriber = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient()
subscription_path = subscriber.subscription_path(
project_id, subscription_name)
def callback(message):
print('Received message: {}'.format(
if message.attributes:
for key in message.attributes:
value = message.attributes.get(key);
#commented out to not print to terminal
#which should not be necessary
#print('{}: {}'.format(key, value))
print("this is before variables")
dirpath = "~/subfolder1/"
namepath =["name"]
fullpath = dirpath + namepath
print("this is after variables")
subscriber.subscribe(subscription_path, callback=callback)
# The subscriber is non-blocking, so we must keep the main thread from
# exiting to allow it to process messages in the background.
print('Listening for messages on {}'.format(subscription_path))
while True:
# [END pubsub_subscriber_sync_pull_custom_attributes]
receive_messages_with_custom_attributes(project_id, subscription_name)
My full console output from running the above code:
Listening for messages on projects/[redacted]
Received message: {
"kind": "storage#object",
"id": "[redacted]/0.testing/1548033442364022",
"selfLink": "[redacted]/o/BSD%2F0.testing",
"name": "BSD/0.testing",
"bucket": "[redacted]",
"generation": "1548033442364022",
"metageneration": "1",
"contentType": "application/octet-stream",
"timeCreated": "2019-01-21T01:17:22.363Z",
"updated": "2019-01-21T01:17:22.363Z",
"storageClass": "MULTI_REGIONAL",
"timeStorageClassUpdated": "2019-01-21T01:17:22.363Z",
"size": "0",
"md5Hash": "1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg==",
"mediaLink": "[redacted]/o/BSD%2F0.testing?generation=1548033442364022&alt=media",
"crc32c": "AAAAAA==",
"etag": "CPb0uvvZ/d8CEAE="
this is before variables
No handlers could be found for logger ""
As you can see, the first string and string-defined-as-variable were printed, but the code breaks on attempting to define variables from the just-generated dictionary, and no further print()
s were executed.
Potentially related thread, that user was publishing with cron jobs, and found a fix from crontab envpaths, but my situation is receiving and not using any cron jobs, but might hint at another layer behind/within python?
Can anyone please help me with adding a handler to make this code run as intended?