how to detect the emulator in eclipse for android?

2019-08-28 16:54发布


I am running an application in emulator. After running the application eclipse dose not show the emulator in devices. What missing in my eclipse please suggest me.

Thanks in advance.


I've occasionally had this problem. Sometimes you need to restart the adb. You can do that from the devices view menu and Reset adb as shon in below screen. If that doesn't work, you may need to restart Eclipse; sometimes the plugin gets hopelessly confused.


You need restart adb server .1st of kill adb server and then restart it.

  1. You can kill and restart using command promt to use adb kill-server and adb devices commands
  2. you can kill adb server from task manager->application and rmove adb


I did this many times and work for me. First of all you reach at your Android-Sdk path from command prompt.

like: C:\android-sdk\platform-tools\

now write this two command one by one in command prompt.

C:\android-sdk\platform-tools\ adb kill-server
C:\android-sdk\platform-tools\ adb start-server
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *

When you type start-server it will show above message. It means now you can see your emulator on Devices View.
I hope this will help you to show android Emulator again in Devices View.