I have issue about the live search with check box. My problem is when i search one the name list the check box is automatically check. only the showed data check.
example i search world "vin"
all have word vin must be checked.
this is my [sample][1]
[1]: http://jsfiddle.net/v921/TxYqv/3/
UPDATED answer:
Here is how your js should look like:
function filter(element) {
var $trs = $('.AvailableGroupLab tr').hide();
var regexp = new RegExp($(element).val(), 'i');
var $numberOfShownRows = 0;
var $rows = $trs.filter(function () {
if($(element).val() != "")
$(this).children(':nth-child(1)').html("<input type='checkbox' checked />");
$(this).children(':nth-child(1)').html("<input type='checkbox' />");
return regexp.test($(this).children(':nth-child(2)').text());
if($rows.length == 0)
$('input:text').on('keyup change', function () {
And put this div
whereever you want to put your text:
<div id="message" style="display:none"> No record! </div>